The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) aims to develop standardized training for professional software testers. The training program is offered in 42 countries.
The training to become a certified tester is aimed at all software testers who want to put their knowledge on a sound basis or expand it. The following are addressed: QA/test professionals, programmers, developers, departmental staff and (project) managers who are responsible for, plan, control or execute test tasks.
iSTQB-compliant German-language examination supervision by Cert-IT employees
Remote proctoring (online supervision) is a process in which the The role of the on-site auditor is replaced by a remote auditor. Remote proctoring confirms the identity of the test taker and ensures the integrity of the exam. The exam is web-based, remote exams must be taken on a computer with a webcam and microphone.
For the exam, you need a computer with a webcam and microphone, stable internet access, a closed, quiet room that is only used by you, and an identity card or driver's license for identity verification.
CT Foundation and Advanced Level
The Foundation Level exam tests knowledge of the basics of software testing. The target group are all people who develop, test or approve software systems.
The Advanced Level partial exams AL are of a practical nature and deepen the knowledge acquired. Test managers deal with the planning and control of the test process. Functional testers deal with reviews and black box test techniques, among other things. Technical testers deal with component tests (also called unit tests), using, among other things, white box test techniques and non-functional test techniques as well as test tools.

The first registration for an Advanced Level individual examination incurs an examination admission fee of € 50.00 plus VAT (= € 59.50).
NETWORK REQUIREMENTSBandwidth: Please note that sufficient bandwidth must be available to conduct the online exams. We recommend a downstream of at least 100 kbit/s net (better: 200 kbit/s) and an upstream of at least 20 kbit/s net (better: 50 kbit/s). In a test session with 10 people taking the test at the same time, you should have at least 2 MBit/s downstream and 500 kBit/s upstream. Proxy server / content filter: We discourage the use of proxy servers and content filters as they can occasionally cause problems with the online tests that are difficult to diagnose. When using proxy servers, it is essential to ensure that the domains of the administration system and the required verification systems are whitelisted (below this text). If necessary, please contact the administrator of your local network. Domains for whitelisting: / http and https / management / http and https / examination system Client-side requirements Operating systems: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 Macintosh OS X 10.4.3 LinuxOS Browser: Internet Explorer from version 10 Firefox from version 45 Google Chrome from version 65 Screen resolution: A native screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 MUST be used, otherwise some questions cannot be fully displayed. Pop-up blockers: To ensure that the exams can be carried out without any problems, we recommend that you allow pop-ups for the above-mentioned domains BEFORE the online tests are carried out. Please note that add-ons and plugins such as or various protection software on the client can also block pop-ups. If in doubt, please consult your local administrator to have the appropriate settings made. Mozilla Firefox: You can find the pop-up blocker settings in Mozilla Firefox under Menu -> Settings -> Content. In the window that appears, click on Exceptions in the "Block pop-up windows" area and please allow the domains of the systems used there (see "Network requirements"). Internet Explorer: You can find the pop-up blocker settings in IE under the Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy menu. In the window that appears, in the Pop-up Blocker section, click Settings.
DEMO TESTfor LPLUS test environment
For exams with online supervision, Cert-IT uses the ProctorExam software to identify and remotely monitor candidates. With this software, the candidate is identified before the exam by showing a photo ID via camera and then the exam room is filmed once by the candidate via camera. During the test, two cameras (notebook webcam and mobile phone) record it from different perspectives. The recordings are viewed both live by supervisors and, if necessary, afterwards. The recordings of the examination are stored in encrypted form on servers located in Europe and are deleted immediately after the examination by the examiner, provided that no violation of the guidelines has been found.
ATTENTION: Violations of the examination guidelines can lead to an examination being considered invalid - even retrospectively. Any costs incurred will not be reimbursed in this case. Gross violations and attempts at cheating can lead to a temporary or permanent exclusion from participation in further examinations.
NETWORK REQUIREMENTSBandwidth: Please note that sufficient bandwidth must be available to conduct the online exams. We recommend a downstream of at least 100 kbit/s net (better: 200 kbit/s) and an upstream of at least 20 kbit/s net (better: 50 kbit/s). In a test session with 10 people taking the test at the same time, you should have at least 2 MBit/s downstream and 500 kBit/s upstream. Proxy server / content filter: We discourage the use of proxy servers and content filters as they can occasionally cause problems with the online tests that are difficult to diagnose. When using proxy servers, it is essential to ensure that the domains of the administration system and the required verification systems are whitelisted (below this text). If necessary, please contact the administrator of your local network. Domains for whitelisting: / http and https / management / http and https / examination system Client-side requirements Operating systems: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 Macintosh OS X 10.4.3 LinuxOS Browser: Internet Explorer from version 10 Firefox from version 45 Google Chrome from version 65 Screen resolution: A native screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 MUST be used, otherwise some questions cannot be fully displayed. Pop-up blockers: To ensure that the exams can be carried out without any problems, we recommend that you allow pop-ups for the above-mentioned domains BEFORE the online tests are carried out. Please note that add-ons and plugins such as or various protection software on the client can also block pop-ups. If in doubt, please consult your local administrator to have the appropriate settings made. Mozilla Firefox: You can find the pop-up blocker settings in Mozilla Firefox under Menu -> Settings -> Content. In the window that appears, click on Exceptions in the "Block pop-up windows" area and please allow the domains of the systems used there (see "Network requirements"). Internet Explorer: You can find the pop-up blocker settings in IE under the Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy menu. In the window that appears, in the Pop-up Blocker section, click Settings.
DEMO TESTfor LPLUS test environment
The online certification exams of Cert-IT are currently carried out exclusively with the exam system of the provider LPLUS. The system is a web application, so it can be used with a normal browser. The exams are processed exclusively in the browser. The candidate receives his test result immediately after the test. Before taking a certification exam, it is recommended to do a demo test (at the bottom of this page) to check the technical requirements and to familiarize yourself with the operation of the exam system.
NETWORK REQUIREMENTSBandwidth: Please note that sufficient bandwidth must be available to conduct the online exams. We recommend a downstream of at least 100 kbit/s net (better: 200 kbit/s) and an upstream of at least 20 kbit/s net (better: 50 kbit/s). In a test session with 10 people taking the test at the same time, you should have at least 2 MBit/s downstream and 500 kBit/s upstream. Proxy server / content filter: We discourage the use of proxy servers and content filters as they can occasionally cause problems with the online tests that are difficult to diagnose. When using proxy servers, it is essential to ensure that the domains of the administration system and the required verification systems are whitelisted (below this text). If necessary, please contact the administrator of your local network. Domains for whitelisting: / http and https / management / http and https / examination system Client-side requirements Operating systems: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 Macintosh OS X 10.4.3 LinuxOS Browser: Internet Explorer from version 10 Firefox from version 45 Google Chrome from version 65 Screen resolution: A native screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 MUST be used, otherwise some questions cannot be fully displayed. Pop-up blockers: To ensure that the exams can be carried out without any problems, we recommend that you allow pop-ups for the above-mentioned domains BEFORE the online tests are carried out. Please note that add-ons and plugins such as or various protection software on the client can also block pop-ups. If in doubt, please consult your local administrator to have the appropriate settings made. Mozilla Firefox: You can find the pop-up blocker settings in Mozilla Firefox under Menu -> Settings -> Content. In the window that appears, click on Exceptions in the "Block pop-up windows" area and please allow the domains of the systems used there (see "Network requirements"). Internet Explorer: You can find the pop-up blocker settings in IE under the Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy menu. In the window that appears, in the Pop-up Blocker section, click Settings.
DEMO TESTfor LPLUS test environment
Cost of CTFL exam
The ISTQB Certified Tester exam without attending a course costs
€225.00 plus VAT (= €267.75)
for pupils and students:
€137.50 plus VAT (= €163.62)
Pupils, students and trainees have the option of a partial or full refund of the examination fees from the German Testing Board (GTB). Further details can be found on the GTB website.
The issuance of the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level certificate is included in this price.
alfa training education center GmbH
andagon GmbH
ATOS Information Technology GmbH
Avanta Munich registered association
BEL NET LtdVocational College Gladbeck
Kiel University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Applied Computer Science
University of Applied Sciences Luebeck
Heinz Nixdorf Vocational College
Trier University of Applied Sciences, Department of Computer Science
IAD information processing and applied data technology GmbH
Institute for Computer Science Justus-Liebig University Giessen
modulo3 Ltd
Ostfalia - FH Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel - Faculty of Computer Science
SANITT Information Technology training courses
Technical Academy Esslingen
Technical commercial vocational training center Dillingen Saar
umlaut systems gmbh
University of Freiburg Chair of Software Engineering
University of Goettingen Software engineering group for distributed systems
University of Heidelberg, Institute for Computer Science - Chair of Software Engineering
WI-Net - Business Informatics Network Münster
Training providers accredited by the GTB
ATOS Information Technology GmbH
Here you can book exam dates for the ISTQB Certified Tester and for the ISAQB Certified Professional Software Architect. Cert-IT offers these both as face-to-face appointments in Bonn and as online-supervised exams.